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Teen TRIOMPHE提花和牛皮革手袋
Teen TRIOMPHE提花和牛皮革手袋 7 X 6 X 2英寸(18.5 X 14 X 6釐米) 81%小牛皮、19%織物面料 100%小羊皮襯裏 金色金屬件 斜挎和肩背 TRIOMPHE 金屬質感鎖扣 內側拉鏈口袋和扁平口袋 可調節皮革肩帶長17英寸(42釐米) 編號:188423
If you can't find the watch which wish to buy in my photo albums,please do not hesitate to email me the picture of it,thank you.