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醉迷人上新:巴黎世家地球經緯刺繡情侶款短袖T恤 採用260g純棉雙紗面料 精密刺繡 拒絕漏針連線 全程對版對位 全套1:1定制輔料 原版專櫃級別 定制包裝男女同款百搭 寬鬆休閒夏季情侶必備短袖T恤 火速安利啦 顏色:黑色 尺碼:M-XL 衣長 胸圍 肩寬 M 70 50 L 72 114 51 XL. 74 118 52
If you can't find the watch which wish to buy in my photo albums,please do not hesitate to email me the picture of it,thank you.