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阿迪達斯 Adidas Kanye West Yeezy 椰子拖鞋
阿迪達斯 Adidas Kanye West Yeezy 椰子拖鞋 侃爺再度聯乘 採用EVA泡棉式一體成形鞋模#配置鞋底凹埳設計亦提供緩震及抓地力 椰子戶外風格沙灘涉水百搭運動穿搭拖鞋拖鞋 尺碼: 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
If you can't find the watch which wish to buy in my photo albums,please do not hesitate to email me the picture of it,thank you.