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【獨家實拍M58868】CHRISTOPHER 小號雙肩包 從紐約市郊的優雅風格中汲取靈感,41709設計出此款全新的Christopher雙肩包。Monogram帆布與Epi皮革拼色貼飾色澤飽滿,黑格水波紋登山包背包雙肩包oo[握手][握手]風格活潑,多口袋設計確保出眾的實用性。- 41 x 47 x 13 釐米- Epi皮革與Monogram帆布- 超細纖維內襯- 牛皮、Monogram Eclipse帆布與織物飾邊- 銀色配件- 頂部手柄- 可調節肩帶- 搭蓋+摁扣+抽繩開合- 2個外部側袋- 內置iPad口袋- 拉鏈內袋- 包內雙貼袋設計。
If you can't find the watch which wish to buy in my photo albums,please do not hesitate to email me the picture of it,thank you.