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Nano Speedy 手袋
M81168藍色牛仔 Nano Speedy 手袋是路易威登經典 Speedy 手袋的玲瓏演繹,此次取材 Monogram 提花丹寧布,以提花針織工藝呈現 Monogram 圖案和砂洗效果。手柄和長肩帶實現肩背或斜挎選擇,以潮流格調收納隨行小物。尺寸:16.0 x 10.0 x 7.5 釐米 (長 x 高 x 寬)
If you can't find the watch which wish to buy in my photo albums,please do not hesitate to email me the picture of it,thank you.