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Wallet on Strap 手袋
【Wallet on Strap 手袋】M81399 黃色(繡線壓花)本款 Wallet on Strap 手袋來自 Bubblegram 系列,為柔軟加襯牛皮革刺繡經典 Monogram 圖案。磁扣翻蓋開啟潮流構型,動感錦綸肩帶實現肩背和斜挎,取下肩帶即可化身晚宴手拿包。尺寸20.0 x 12.0 x 6.0 釐米
If you can't find the watch which wish to buy in my photo albums,please do not hesitate to email me the picture of it,thank you.